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Showing posts from July, 2017

21st century is the current century of the social media era

Right now we are in the 21st century Anno Domini era according to books but right in social media era where everyone wants to go online with various social media platform, there are millions of social media platform across the world. But some are popular and widely used social media platform. Today we are talking about them let me tell you first name of all social Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, snap chat, google plus. Everyone wants to show him/her self-cool on this social media there are lots of things which people are using social media to looks cool and different from another like some people love to share thoughts, some people love to share image there are lots of things like joke, status, share etc.., but one most common thing which everyone wants to use and that is DP (display picture) and profile picture . Everyone uses unique Whatsapp dp  ,  Facebook profile picture and much more.